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The Full Story


There are over 100 public schools, many are in the poorer areas of Mazatlán.
The children that are fortunate enough to attend these schools get an
education and learn the basic skill sets to become productive adults.
Unfortunately, many drop out and then life becomes a challenge. Sickness
can be prevalent and one of the culprits is non potable drinking water.

Viña’s mission for the water project is to provide these schools, through
sponsorships, with a refrigerated water purification system and bottle refill.

We are installing these systems in the schools of greatest need first. 
Our complete system includes components and labor to install. The cost is
3,000 USD for a level one school with 150 students. A level 2 school is
$6000, Level 3 is $9000, and level 4 is $12,000.
Each level represents an
increase in the number of students, necessitating the installation of multiple

We need your support to accomplish this worthy task. Donations can be
made several ways either through volunteering your time and/or your
financial help. 

As mother Teresa said "A life not lived for others is not a life"

Benefits of a clean water drinking fountain

 The poor and working class cannot afford water purification systems for their homes and unfortunately many will drink the non-potable tap water. With a drinking fountain and bottle refill at the schools, Viña will help the health of these children and families. Additionally, providing these systems will reduce the amount of plastic entering the Mazatlan dump. 

Join us and help with water project installations. We'd love to have you on our team! 


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  • $30.00 a month to manage the upkeep, repairs and filters so these systems stay in perfect working order.

  • $100.00 dollars…..put in a fund to accumulate until we can purchase a system

  • $300.00 dollars….A filtration system

  • $1,800.00 dollars…a Drinking water fountain

  • $3,000.00... dollars provides a complete filtration system and Fountain 

Contact Us

Dan Heieren -

Brent Raynor -

Daryl Arychuk -

David Folsom -

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