Your support is important to our work at VINEYARD MINISTRIES CENTRAL MEXICO. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to change somebody's life forever.

Have an Impact
Your financial donations are key to helping the ministry run and grow. We are comminted to continuously lowering our opertaional costs so that the funds you donte, directly benefit the marginalized communities here in Mazatlan.
All financial donations to Vineyard Ministries Central Mexico (VMCM) are tax deductable and are handled through The Vineyard Church – Urbana, IL. Donations can be made directly via credit card or via Paypal (USA & Canada). Click 'Donate Now!' and change a life forever.
Show Your Support
Items you donate are distributed to the poorer colonies in need. We are always happy to receive the following suggested items: Men's, women's, and children’s clothing, shoes, socks, and blankets. Girls hair items (ribbons, barrettes, headbands, etc). Small sturdy toys. Crayons, colouring books, pencils, glue, or other school supplies. Small pads of paper. Small centred candles for mothers day. Nail polish. Small bible story books (spanish please). Over the counter medical items such as Adult, Children, and infant acetaminophen.
Please drop off your donations during office hours at Avenue Camaron Sabalo #333-E Zona Dorado.
If you are interested in helping organize the donations to be sent out to areas in need please click on 'Contact us' and send us a note that you'd like to help.

Change a Child's Life
Donate a musical instrument to our Children's Orchestra. Research shows that Learning to play a musical instrument can help kids grow socially and academically which is why it is so important for children living in poverty to have an opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. Your donation can make a difference! Contact us for information on where to ship the musical instrument.