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Vineyard Ministries Central Mexico

Crazy Things are Happening

During the pandemic we felt like it was a good time to cast a new Vision for the Mazatlan ministry to plant 13 new centers. We presently have 17 Community Centers of Hope(churches). The new slogan is; LETS MAKE MAZATLAN A PARADISE FOR ALL. Several months go by, after i annouced the vision, with nothing happening. I was expecting something to happen right away. The new Vision is to have 30 Community Centers/churches which means we need to plant 13 new ones. One day I was with Miguel who is a federal representative (like our House of Representatives). I shared the Vision & the slogan, LETS MAKE MAZATLAN A PARADISE FOR ALL. He got excited about both the Vision & the slogan. He said he would send a letter to the Governor & the Mayor of Mazatlan to ask them to support this Vineyard Vision. Unknown to me he also began talking to the Mayors on the 10 Communities in his district in Mazatlan county.

He has been encouraging the mayors to donate land to the Vineyard for a community center. April 21st we were invited to visit the town of Pozole to meet with the local leaders who have offered to donate land to us. To our surprise not only the local leaders all showed up but several mayors from other towns that are interested in having a community center in their towns. As we were speaking with them my wife shared that the community centers would also have church services. None of the mayors or the leaders had any problem with that. We were all amazed how God is all of a sudden opening doors for our vision to plant 13 new churches.

The following Saturday we were invited to visit the town of Barron. We met in a local clinic that was started by some snowbirds. The clinic has both doctors and dentists and operates out of a rented property. The man who owns all the medical equipment heard that the Vineyard might have a community center in the town so he offered to donate more than $100,000 worth of equipment if we would move the clinic to our community center. Yes he wants to give us the clinic.
The local officials showed us a very nice piece of land that they might donate to us. God is opening doors like we’ve never seen before.
Since that visit Miguel informed me that they do want to donate the land to us. He told me the land is worth at least $40,000 dollars. He came by my office to pick up copies of our legal papers to start the process. He then shared that a 3rd town has also made a commitment to give land. All ten are asking us to come to their towns and so far 3 have set apart land.
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