Our History
(Click here to read the full history)
Vineyard Ministries of Central Mexico, founded by Fred Collom, has been working in Central Mexico since 1978. It began with church plants in the State of Zacatecas. Eventually, in 1995, a missionary team from Fresnillo, led by Fred, moved to Mazatlan and began to build an outreach program here. Over the years it has grown to house our headquarters, 18 Community Centers of Hope, child sponsorship and scholarship programs and much more. The mission in Mazatlan feeds approximately 75,000 meals a year and reaches at least 2,200 adults and children each week. Many of the children we serve come from dysfunctional families, single parent homes, or extreme poverty. While we provide support to all family members, we focus on children between the ages 4 to 14, where we have the greatest likelihood of helping the child achieve a better life for themselves and their future children.
Our Mission
Our mission is to reach out to the poor and marginalized peoples of Central Mexico and share the message of God's love for them. It is not enough just offer prayers while ignoring a persons tangible needs. That is why each of our programs focuses on “feeding” the whole of each person. We feed their Body, their Mind, and their Spirit.
Our Vision
Our vision is to go from 17 to 30 Community Centers of Hope in Mazatlan. Each Community Center will function as a Church and a place to bless children and families in their community.

This is a new vision with a new slogan: "to make Mazatlán paradise for all." We will need new methods and strategies, and a new plan from the beginning.
1. We will identify potential church planters form the beginning. We already have 5 persons/couples identified. Some of which have already been interviewed.
2. One of the plants will be in the northern part of Mazatlán where a lot of professional level Mexicans live as well as where many of the new hotels are. We want to plant a church, modeled after the Golden Zone Church, with both English and Spanish services. To make Mazatlán Paradise for All (our new slogan) we will need more professional level people working with us to bless the poor.
3. We have already released our spies to be on the lookout for land in 13 areas of Mazatlán. We will purchase land as the Lord provides opportunities.
4. Evangelism: We will be doing what we call the “Prayer of Blessing” for Your Home. We do this by going door to door and offering to pray a blessing over the home. We have already used this method successfully.
5. We will also use what is called the “Discovery Bible Study”. "A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a disciple-making tool used to help launch gospel movements—sometimes known as Disciple Making Movements or DMM—around the world. It's a great way to share the good news of Jesus and form new disciples in an interactive, Holy Spirit-led format."
We will start steps 4 and 5 before we build or even before purchase land
6. We will visit the colonia with our mobile kitchen, short-term teams, present dramas, etc.
7. Once we aquire the land and before we start building, we will host events on our property.
8. Build a building. After the church is planted it will continue to expand children's programs and ministry to the poor.
9. Other programs that in time we will add
English School
Child Orchestra
After school study for kids
Clinic with doctors and nurses